Maha Parivrajaka – Introduction

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Over 1200 years ago, an 8 year old boy leaves the security and comforts of the home and walks out in pursuit of invigorating and rejuvenating the foundations of Sanatana Dharma to enable it to sustain the impending/already-started onslaughts from the outsiders.

He accomplishes this humanly-impossible task in a breath-taking time of mere 24 years. Incredibly, he reaches out to all sects of people of various levels of caliber and samskara with ease and finesse. He touches the hearts and minds of all the people of this nation with his profound and yet simple commentaries, hymns, stotras, slokas and discourses. No wonder, he is only one after Lord Krishna to be remembered fondly by everyone as Jagadguru.

His brief visits create landmarks in far and wide places like Kashmir, Hardwar etc. and his chide – nahi nahi rakshati dukRun karaNE as a 14 year old boy to an aged scholar considered a blessing.

His utterance – Ayur nashyati pashyatAm pratidinam yAti kShayaM yavvanam – gives us wisdom to scare away the fear of death. When he says saMsAra sAgara viShAla karALakAma nakragraha grasana nigraha vigrahasya, it simply shifts our paths onto right track.

Who is this wonder boy?

Come….let us know about Him……

Visit for the novel MAHAPRIVRAJAKA by Pujya Swamiji Paramananda Bharati….

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