Silver Gifts & Articles

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Often we are confused as to what gift to be given to our near and dear Silver Flower Vase

ones on special ocassions. You will be surprised to know that creative items are available in silver ware. Let me intoduce to you some of them.

How beautiful this silver flower vase looks!

Many say that they do not use silver items regularly but they keep it inside the glass case. Once you know that maintenance part of silver ware is easy, then usage shall be regular.


Silver Tea Set

In today’s busy life often we forget our childhood memories or our grandma’s tales. But the fact remains, it is so healthy to eat or drink in Silver vessels. In my childhood all of us used to eat only in Silver plates and for daily use there used be silver vessels and silver pooja sets lying everywhere.

Now no one has time to look into all these things as we are dependent on maid servants and we are not sure of using silver vessels regularly.  It is sad that we are depriving our loved ones with these small beautiful treatments. Atleast for festivals, birthdays or any special occasion if we can treat our loved ones with rich silver ware life becomes more memorable.

Now, let me introduce to you some stunning offerings in the form of silverware!

 Silver Tooth brush:  If a day starts with sparkling silver items, experience it before I explain it you.

 Silver Tongue Cleaner – Another silver touch to your tongue.



Furnish your washroom with Silver Mirror, a Silver Curtain & Silver mat too.

Other toiletary items include:


Silver Soap box                          Silver shampoo bottle        Silver mug

Isn’t it dazziling?

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