At times, life takes us through those unknown realms, where, we wake up to witness new experiences. Suddenly, that very life, leaves us in the midst of a junction, without leaving a sign, and challenges us to find the way forward.
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Today, I have logged into my Yahoo mail, which, I have long forgotten to operate. I was little curious to read old mails and went straight to the last page.
When I saw that name, I was surrounded by those original feelings which I have undergone during those days.
I must say that it is always wonderful to relive certain moments, with the same fervor and flavour, though they have withered away along the course of struggle-for-existence.
The name that got my attention and thereby made to write this piece is “Jurate” (to be pronounced as Yuraate. యురాటె).
Jurate, a well educated and spiritualist woman, was born in Lithuania.
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Sometime in June of 2003, I have got registered with to learn French as I was working for a French multinational and thought of speaking to our Corporate office staff in French. It was quite an adventure for me, at that time, to think of learning a language online! (Can someone teach me French now!?!)
Jurate contacted me on 08/06/2003 through, expressing her interest to learn Telugu & it was a surprise to me, naturally!
I gave my yahoo id to her to communicate and started worrying about this a while later! (Having read internet security policy circulated by our HO)
But what followed, post my sharing the mail id with Jurate, is something that I can never forget but keep cherishing.
I might be violating the ethical code by publishing the private mails in a public forum. But I am sure that the readers would get to know the extended meaning of life, trust, friendship and finally of being a fine personality.
(Mails of Jurate’s & mine are arranged in the chronological order)