The dialogue with the Death

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The Dialogue with the Death by Rajarao Tummalapalli

A soul – according to Indian Scriptures – needs to have these festivals:

1.      Conception (enter into Mother’s womb)
2.      Seemanthonnatam
3.      The very date of birth as a Parva Dina / Thidhi for that soul
4.      Cradling
5.      Naama Karana
6.      Anna praasana
7.      Tonsoring of birth hair
8.      Aksharaabhyasa
9.      Upanayana (for the qualified male only)
10.  Marriage
11.  Being blessed with a Son and Daughter
12.  The death (Marana thidhi)
1.      Conception (enter into Mother’s womb)
2.      Seemanthonnatam
3.      The very date of birth as a Parva Dina / Thidhi for that soul
4.      Cradling
5.      Naama Karana
6.      Anna praasana
7.      Tonsoring of birth hair
8.      Aksharaabhyasa
9.      Attaining Puberty
10.  Marriage
11.  Garbhadharana
12.  Being blessed with a Son and Daughter
13.  The death (Marana thidhi)
I am somehow motivated to take up the last thidhi as I found it very relevant to learn many great insights into the process between birth and death.
Death is a dialogue between soul and the Supreme Soul who indwells the Yama the SamaVarthi (the one who conducts with precision so that every karma is precisely equated with its result).

Last night I had a dream where I see one such dialogue, believe me it can well be equated with the suffering of well-known persons in this country.  I leave it to your guess work as to who these individuals are.

Soul 91 (S91): I am being bed ridden for the last 4 years and I feel it is more than enough for me to live like this.  Please release me.  I realized that I could not even make this request often as I get into my senses seldom and realize to need to leave this body.
Sama Varthi (SV):  You still need to experience this kind of trauma for another year based on your deeds.
S91:  Is it going to be like this or do I need to undergo more pain in the process
SV: It is going to be like this with bouts of pain, more pain and severe pain
S91: Can I say that with this punishment I am rid of all Papa Karma.
SV:  Dear S91 you must be aware that the results you are experiencing are not just belonging to the Karma you did in this janma.
The results you are experiencing are the karma started bearing fruits at this point of time according the karma phala schedule. This is called Sanchita.
You have for that matter every soul has got an accumulated Karma which is yet to bear fruits. This is called Prarabda.
For the karma you do now in this bedridden position there is a phala that you bear in the next birth (Aagami) or gets added to Sanchita.
Well you do not understand this scheme at this time as you are equally eternal as I am but you are eternally dependent on Me and I am the only and eternally  Independent One.
S91: Is it fair to make me suffer like this as many who loved me and followed me and revered me are starting showing mercy and even started praying for my peaceful exit. I feel ashamed of me when I see my face in the mirror.  You are known as Karuna Samudra – a sea of compassion. Is it fair on your part to allow me like this.
SV: Because of My mercy you are undergoing this with utmost attention being paid by many around you.  Daivam Manusha Rupena is what the scripture says.  I am there with you in the form of these people attending on you since 4 years.
S91:  Enough my dear SV, please allow me to leave.
SV: Your time to leave this body is yet to come. Wait.
S91: Atleast give me senses to chant your name as long as I am awake.
SV: You are already granted with that in the name of Datta Swatantrya  but you will get it based on the training you had given to your self during your hey days.
S91 : Slips into sleep…….
Soul 89 is an atheist in public life but a most fearful soul attached to God in his secret life. He is a cheat and cheats equally himself every moment of his life. He uses this kind of cheating to rise to the most powerful positon.   He is often admitted to hospital and gets discharged. He has of late become dull and confined himself to the room where he sleeps.  Meaning though he has got a palatial building he eats, gets cleaned, sleeps and rests in the same place!!  He is again admitted into an Hospital and where this dialogue took place.
S92:  I must be different from all those who died so far
SV: You are certainly different. For that matter each soul is unique.
S92: I want to see my second son rise to my level
SV: It all depends on his Karma.
S92: I ensured that he is doing good karma only
SV: You never know.
S92: Can you grant me 5 more years so that I can once again lead my people and take final rest.
SV: You are crazy
S92: I have the qualification and wherewithal to become once again the leader
SV: This is your problem.
S92: I know I committed several mistakes since I confessed them before you every time I committed, you got to absolve me from the fruits of these mistakes.
S92: You are known as kindness personified so I deserve this from you.Do
SV: You can blackmail even the God
S92: I only take advantage of each one’s situation and you are no exception to this.
S92: You only declared that you have no enemies and favorites.
SV: Yeah
S92: I wish to take this fact to my advantage.
Meanwhile a Team of Doctors arrives and started speaking to his Second Son saying that “Your father shall be under Doctors’ supervision till the time he improves.  Considering his age and age related deterioration we need to closely observe him so that he stays “alive” as long you wish us to continue or till such time his body supports, whichever is the final determining factor.
His Second Son tells the Doctors:  Let him live as long as he can and please do the needful from your end.  I shall keep in touch with you and assess his situation.  If I feel that I am increasing his pain by this I shall inform you to do the needful.
S92: Listens to this and started crying with low voice as he does not have energy to do so even.  No one listens to this as it is very feeble.
After every one leaves S92 turns to SV and tells:  I might get well.
Here comes S68 who has been bedridden for the past 80 days
No one knows whether she is in senses are not
Many lives got ended because of her condition
Many souls are worried over her health
Whether she is alive or dead no one knows.
All that the world knows is what the Hospital news bulletin shares about her health.
She rules a state where people chose to elect either her or her arch rival, for decades.
Strangely both she and her arch rival are physically and mentally not in position to rule!!
S68 receives yet another jolt in her body yesterday.  Hardly had she started praying God and then this jolt received.  She is Goddess to many men and women and she accepts prostrations before her feet in public and considers herself as a divine entity.
She is dead and alive for all practical purposes.  She is alive medically and dead rationally. She could not even think of anything else except her body and soul.
S68:  Why this punishment?
SV: You know well
S68: But you know how many are suffering because of my current health status. You also know how many are praying You for my recovery. You got to listen to their prayers.
SV: You have got the audacity to demand action from God !  J
S68: It is not audacity it is to prove yourself that you got to react to their prayers.  They elected me to rule for the full term and you need to honor their verdict as you only said that the verdict of people is the verdict of God.  She again get engulfed by a wave of weakness.
Somehow the already departed S72 –  He is the God incarnate for many who had donned the filmy rolls of Rama, Krishna, Venkateswara and Lord Vishnu – gets to know about S91, S92 and S68.  He tries to reach out to them in vain to say this:
We all have earned enough Papa through our actions though we are given the best opportunity to do good to ourselves and the people who voted us.  This papa is so big a list that to get the birth of a Human we need to take several crores of inferior births !!  Know this fact and do not indulge in more Papa even at this state.
Soul is ever active and free from all human maladies but by being confined in the body it experiences all that the body experiences. It needs to learn to be a witness then it can transcend beyond the body and gets closure to the ultimate reality of knowing  its eternal dependence and the eternal independence of the Supreme Soul who is the in-dweller of the Soul even.

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