The President of India

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Why there is so much news about the ensuing Presidential Election in India? 

This is the question that often comes up in today’s discussion among all sections of people. What if Pranab becomes the President or Mr. X becomes the President when the President is not going to add any value to the way the country is governed?

Are we particular about giving the chance to some one to become the President of India because it entails him enjoy the supreme comforts that a common citizen can not even dream of?

In away it is true when we look at the tenure of Mrs. Pratibha Patil.  What is her contribution to the life of the Common Man?  It is indeed the common men who had borne the burden of funding the most lavish facility extended to Mrs. Pratibha Patil.  The Tax Payer of this country has been shelling out huge sums to run, maintain and continue the tradition of having a no value adding portfolio called the President of India.

Is it not the right time to review our Constitution and the post of President in the light of the developments that have taken places in the last 10 years and the need to spend each paise for productive use.  In the similar manner we shall critically review the post of Governor  and Legislative Council for the State.

Commonsense tells us that we are unnecessarily carrying the most unproductive and colonial tradition that does not fit into the current reality. Alternatively we shall redefine the role of Legislative Council, Governor and President in such a way that they do have certain specific responsibilities to shoulder than merely becoming the status symbols the state run by the Public Money. Interestingly this trend of continuing the traditions for the sake of continuing is evident in posts being filled in by various govt departments / public sector units.

For example we still have positions like stenographer and typist in this era of information technology when a single mobile phone can do multiple tasks. Unfortunately our governing system, though being run by the country’s most talented persons selected for the Civil Services, it is ruthlessly and highly incompatible to the present day way of running the organizations/ institutions. The Govt shall be the role model for all other organizations existing in the country.  Sadly our governing system is being used to showcase what is called ineffective / outdated / corrupt / useless / irrelevant system of running the organizations / institutions.

We seem to be in a situation wherein all the necks are tied with a bell.  Some one needs to untie the bell and ring all other bells.

‘Ding Dong’!!!

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